Produse pentru pentru aer (2161)

Suflanta de Aer - TFV 100 - Suflanta de Aer - TFV 100

Suflanta de Aer - TFV 100 - Suflanta de Aer - TFV 100

Durch die Be- und Entlüftung von Räumen werden schädliche Stoffe wie Farb- bzw. Lackdämpfe, Schweißrauch, Staubteilchen, Kohlenmonoxid, Stickoxid, Kohlendioxid und Wasserdampf abgeführt. Der Hochdruck-Radialventilator TFV 100 ist für solche Aufgaben bestens gerüstet, denn er fördert bis zu 4.000 m³/h Luft auch auf langen Strecken mit hohen Gegendrücken und ist äußerst stabil für raue Praxisumgebungen konstruiert. Weil dieser Ventilator die Luft axial ansaugt und radial ausbläst, ist er nicht nur unempfindlich gegen stark verschmutzte Luft mit hohem Staubanteil, sondern gewährleist darüber hinaus große stabile Kennlinienbereiche. Der Ventilator TFV 100 ist neben der Standardausführung auch als optionale Mietausführung erhältlich. Hier einige Praxisvorteile des TFV 100 im Überblick: Besonders robustes Gerät mit hoher Förderleistung Spritzwasserdichte Ausführung (IP55) Auch in sehr staubigen Räumen einsetzbar Ventilatormotor liegt außerhalb des Hauptluftstroms Typ:Luft Technologie:Radial Anzahl Stufen:einstufiges
Măsurare - Măsurarea aerului comprimat

Măsurare - Măsurarea aerului comprimat

La chiave per il successo all’ottimizzazione dell’aria compressa è un dato. La gamma di misurazione METPOINT® include sensori e data logger per il monitoraggio e la visualizzazione dei dati, questi garantiscono di controllare l’effettiva qualità dell’aria compressa e identificano i fattori di costo nascosti. I nostri strumenti di misurazione possono essere anche impiegati come estensione di un impianto e per la precoce eliminazione dei malfunzionamenti. Attraverso i nostri sensori è possibile misurare il contenuto di vapor d’olio residuo, umidità residua, portata e pressione senza errori e con un’ottima precisione. Il nostro monitoraggio e registrazione dati ci rende accessibili a voi ed ai vostri dipendenti a colpo d’occhio, garantendo la sicurezza dei processi e la qualità dei vostri prodotti.
AIRPURION 48 - Instalatie UV pentru dezinfectarea aerului prin iradiere directă și indirectă

AIRPURION 48 - Instalatie UV pentru dezinfectarea aerului prin iradiere directă și indirectă

The UV-plant AIRPURION 48 with an irradiation width of 380 mm consists of a matt anodized aluminium profile with matching cover sheets. The radiator’s compartment is designed for housing a pristine-polished aluminium reflector. On its rear side the cabling as well as the electronic cut-in unit is integrated into the housing. The high UVC-intensity ensures an optimal degree of efficiency combined with a compact construction design. Assembly at the ceiling can be done via a mounting rack or a wire suspension for assembly. advantages: suitable for direct or indirect irradiation not affecting smell or taste low-maintenance operation low operational costs Please contact us for targeted advice: mail: phone: +49 3682 479087 irridiation width:380 mm disinfection 80%:approx. 70 m³ disinfection 88%:approx. 35 m³ weight:2,0 kg life time of lamps:10.000 h dimension (L x B x H in mm):700 x 67 x 100 number of lamps:1 protection grade:IP 54 electrical connection:110-240 V 50/60 Hz total power:48 W over current protection:10 A
Răcitor de Aer pentru Birou, Catering și Comerț - Sisteme de Răcire pentru Refrigerare Comercială

Răcitor de Aer pentru Birou, Catering și Comerț - Sisteme de Răcire pentru Refrigerare Comercială

Mit dieser Produktlinie decken wir alle standardisierten Kühlaufgaben ab. Orientiert an den Anforderungen unserer Kunden bietet Kelvion neben Standardvarianten auch flexible Lösungen mit zusätzlichen Optionen und Zubehör an. Zuverlässige Kühlleistungen bei kompakten Abmessungen werden dabei so optimiert, dass die Lagerung und der Transport der Produkte über unsere Handelspartner erleichtert wird. Neben der Darstellung unserer Produkte in Produktbroschüren und Preislisten, befinden sich Produktspezifikationen in unserem Online-Produktkonfigurator.
Filtru de aer - JF - Filtru de aer

Filtru de aer - JF - Filtru de aer

— Filtering of displaced air during loss-in-weight feeder refill — Filter cartridge with filter material made of polyester fleece (conforms to FDA and GMP directives) — Trapped dust is automatically cleaned by pulses of compressed air (dust falls back into the feeder eliminating ingredient waste) — Models available for hoppers up to 1000 dm³ (35.3 ft³)
Stand de Testare a Presiunii de Rupere

Stand de Testare a Presiunii de Rupere

Die Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau GmbH verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der Hochdruck- und Prüftechnik. Der Druckaufbau erfolgt mithilfe einer Technologie, die schneller, präziser und wartungsärmer ist, als herkömmliche Systeme. Der Vorgang wird exakt vermessen und dokumentiert, um die Bauteile für spezifische Anwendungen optimal auszulegen.
Hose de Aer Cald UNI V9 | Strat Unic (-85°C până la +310°C) - SHP Primaflex GmbH

Hose de Aer Cald UNI V9 | Strat Unic (-85°C până la +310°C) - SHP Primaflex GmbH

Einlagiger, superflexibler, extrem leichter Heißluftschlauch bis +310°C. Aus silikonbeschichtetem Glasfibergewebe. Innen liegende Federstahlspirale und außen liegende Kordel aus Spezialgarn. Universell einsetzbar im höheren Temperaturbereich für heiße und kalte Luft sowie Gase und Dämpfe. Sehr gut geeignet für Granulattrockner. Handwerklich mit speziellem Know-how hergestelltes Qualitätsprodukt aus hochwertigem Rohmaterial.
Logistica Aeroportuară - Soluții Economisitoare de Timp și Spațiu pentru Logistica Aeroportuară și Mai Mult

Logistica Aeroportuară - Soluții Economisitoare de Timp și Spațiu pentru Logistica Aeroportuară și Mai Mult

Lödige Industries ist weltweit führend in der Konzeption, Herstellung, Montage und Wartung von vollautomatischen Transport- und Lagersystemen für die Flughafenlogistik. Die Qualität, Schnelligkeit und Zuverlässigkeit Ihrer Ausrüstung wird den Erfolg Ihres Flughafenbetriebs bestimmen. Mit mehr als 40 Jahren Erfahrung und 15 Millionen Tonnen Luftfracht, die jährlich weltweit mit unseren Geräten umgeschlagen werden, setzen wir den globalen Maßstab für Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit. Wir bieten Systeme und Maschinen zur automatisierten und manuellen Handhabung von Luftfracht. Das Leistungsspektrum reicht von der Ausrüstung kleiner Depots mit spezialisierter Fördertechnik bis hin zur Implementierung vollautomatischer Cargo Hubs.
Indusa Elstar EL 1000 Filtru de Aer Electrostatic

Indusa Elstar EL 1000 Filtru de Aer Electrostatic

Elektrostatischer Öl- und Emulsionsnebelabscheider Der elektrostatische Luftfilter reinigt Ihre Maschinenabluft da, wo Sie entstehen - er macht sie wieder atembar! Der elstar Elektrofilter dient zur Abscheidung von Ölnebel, Emulsionsnebel, Ölrauch, Schweißrauch, Dunst, Schwebeteilchen, oxidhaltigem Rauch sowie Aerosole - damit sind sie für fast jedes Einsatzgebiet in der Industrie geeignet. Je nach Standort und Einsatzgebiet optimieren wir unsere elektrostatischen Luftfilter mit zusätzlichen Reinigungsstufen (TD/TR) sowie Ansaugsammler und Vorabscheider. 1. Typ:EL 1000 NS EC Absaugleistung:1.000m³/h Ansaugsammler:ohne Ansaugsammler EC- Ventilator:EC- mit EC Ventilator Filterstufen:einstufig Verstärkter Venilator:mit verstärktem Ventilator Vorabscheider:ohne Vorabscheider
Winchuri pneumatice pentru manipularea sacilor mari JDN - WINCHURI ȘI CĂRUȚE

Winchuri pneumatice pentru manipularea sacilor mari JDN - WINCHURI ȘI CĂRUȚE

BBH 1000-2 JDN Big Bag Handling Air Hoists JDN big bag handling air hoists are available at carrying capacities of 1100 kg and 2200 kg with an air pressure of 6 bar. Designs with one or two load hooks With one load hook for cross beams. The large distance between the hook and the chain box is particularly advantageous. This guarantees that there is no danger of collision between the load and the chain box. With two load hooks for more complex multi-point cross beams or simple rod cross beams with two means of suspension. Standard Features Particularly suited for use as big bag handling hoists and for the movement of all kinds of bulky loads due to the extreme low construction height. Compact, modern design. Usable as synchronised hoist in two-hook design. Very economical and reliable due to the use of proven JDN serial components. No additional motor lubrication required. Fewer parts for operation free of maintenance and wear. Chain box included in standard...
Încălzitoare MicroCoil - Încălzitoare cu duză înfășurate sau încălzitoare de aer fabricate din cabluri de încălzire cu izolație minerală

Încălzitoare MicroCoil - Încălzitoare cu duză înfășurate sau încălzitoare de aer fabricate din cabluri de încălzire cu izolație minerală

Owing to their small cross-sectional dimensions, MicroCoils are most often connected at both ends and do not permit the addition of a thermocouple. We prefer to use nickel as the sheath material here because it combines the best thermal conduction properties, high corrosion resistance and excellent deformation properties. To ensure that the standard 1000 mm PTFE-insulated connection cable can be positioned at one end, despite the standard two-ended connection of the element, in most cases the MicroCoil is formed into a hairpin shape and wound/laid in a bifilar (parallel) format. Our unformed MicroCoils are also supplied in the hairpin bend shape as standard. round cross secitons:Ø1,3 mm, Ø1,8 mm flattened sections:1,0x1,6 mm, 1,3x2,3 mm
Separator de ceață de ulei AF-10P - În timpul prelucrării, se eliberează ceațe de ulei și emulsie, care pot cauza un mediu nesănătos.

Separator de ceață de ulei AF-10P - În timpul prelucrării, se eliberează ceațe de ulei și emulsie, care pot cauza un mediu nesănătos.

Oil mist separator – extraction systems for vapours Oil mist separators are a must in order to ensure the extraction of oil mist from machine tools. With AOF filters we offer a whole series of extraction systems for effective extraction and filtration. The separator can filter emulsion mist, oil mist, smoke and odours. Oil mist filters can be installed on almost all turning machines– and milling machines and BAZ. In this way you can offer a healthy working environment for you and your employees. Heat and odours are effectively filtered and the emulsion separated from the exhaust air can be reused. The filters of the oil mist separators are equipped with multi-stage filtration. The elements are cleanable and reusable. Harmful emissions, dust and aerosols are removed from the air at almost 100%. Motor:0.2kW capacity:11 m³ /min (660 m³/h) Noise level:60 db (A) Air inlet:Ø 150 mm
Încălzitoare electrice de aer - Încălzitoare electrice de aer TYP LEH-K

Încălzitoare electrice de aer - Încălzitoare electrice de aer TYP LEH-K

Electric duct heater Electrical duct heater type “LEH-K” are intended for the heating of gaseous media. The main applications are the heating of air in ventilation - / air conditioning or heat-recovery installations. Wide use areas are applications of the process - / environment-technology i.e. at the catalytic afterburning of exhaust fumes or drying ovens or in the plastic - / textile or paper industry. Through a variable construction concept, diverse use possibilities emerge. The application of highly compacted electrical heating elements with high purity compacted magnesium oxide powder sheathed metal tube and the direct heat transfer at the medium to be heated leads to an efficient realization of the electric energy to thermal energy. Special materials of acid constant rustproof steel stand for the heating of aggressive media by disposal. Alternatively, the heaters can be delivered also in the materials INCOLOY, INCONEL, HASTELLOY and MONEL. The duct heaters essentially consist of the following main-components: Duct with flat flanges Rod heating elements Temperature Sensors (Thermostat / Thermocouple / RTD) Electrical terminal box
NARVA AIR 58304 6.6A 48W f/f Iluminat Halogen pentru Aeroport

NARVA AIR 58304 6.6A 48W f/f Iluminat Halogen pentru Aeroport

Die NARVA 58304 ist eine Airfieldlampe aus der Lampen-Manufaktur der vosla GmbH - Die NARVA 58304 ist eine hocheffiziente, in Deutschland gefertigte Lampe zur Flugfeldbeleuchtung (AGL). Diese Reflektorlampe steht stellvertretend für ein breites Portfolio an qualitativen NARVA Reflektorlampen und trägt maßgeblich zur Sicherheit auf Ihrem Flugfeld bei - mit hoher Lebensdauer und geringsten Produktionstoleranzen. Im Bereich der Flugfeldbefeuerung gehören wir zu den führenden Herstellern weltweit. Unser Sortiment umfasst alle Anwendungen der Flugplatzbefeuerung. Von Anflugbefeuerung und Schwellenfeuer über Roll- und Landebahnbefeuerung, bis Hindernisbefeuerung geben unsere NARVA Lampen Sicherheit auf der Startbahn. Spannung [V]:6,6A Leistung [W]:48 Sockel:Kabel | flat female Lebensdauer [h]:3000 Anwendungsbereich:Flugfeldbeleuchtung
trak | uplift air - Baterie de tracțiune cu plumb-acid cu circulație de electrolit

trak | uplift air - Baterie de tracțiune cu plumb-acid cu circulație de electrolit

The trak | uplift air battery is a lead acid battery for use in industrial trucks. The battery is equipped with the high-quality trak | air electrolyte circulation system, which shortens charging time while increasing battery availability. In addition, the energy requirement is reduced, and the water requirement is reduced by up to 65%. Reduced overcharging with trak | uplift air also increases cycle life. Especially in combination with our HOPPECKE HF chargers, the battery is charged gently and efficiently. Due to the possibilities of fast and intermediate charging, even demanding 24/5 shift operations are possible with trak | air.
Unitate de purjare a aerului seria DM LT - Măsurarea temperaturii prin infraroșu

Unitate de purjare a aerului seria DM LT - Măsurarea temperaturii prin infraroșu

As a supplement to our range of infrared temperature measuring devices we offer a wide range of accessories. You have a wide choice of mechanical and optical accessories, air purge units, relay cards and software. Name:Air purge unit Hose connection:3x 5 mm for compressed air Connection:M12x1 Across flat width:AF 19 Dimensions:Ø21 x L45 m Weight:0.15 kg
Covoare cu pernă de aer cu limbă și canelură

Covoare cu pernă de aer cu limbă și canelură

Maximale Wärmedämmung durch Luftpolsterringe! Optimale Elastizität verspricht den angenehmsten Stallboden. Ob stehend oder liegend, Sie werden sehen, dass Ihre Pferde von diesen Matten nicht mehr runter wollen. Minimale Einstreu, Verlegung durch Nut und Federsystem mit Kreuz- oder T-Fuge. Abmessungen: Oberfläche Antirutschprofil, Unterseite Luftpolster-Ringe Mattengröße: 1,20 m x 0,80 m, 30 mm stark Deckfläche: ca. 1.170 x 770 mm, 1 Stück = 0,90 qm


The NRK series is a compact top-entry agitator that can be used to meet high requirements regarding both surfaces and cleaning inside and outside of the tank. Due to its’ compact design, agitator shafts with diameters of 25 mm and lengths of up to 1,200 mm can be realized, making the NRK the ideal mixer for small tanks in food and drug industry. GMP and FDA conform design. The NRK series agitator has an integrated bearing and coupling housing with flexible coupling to connect drives with shaft journals. The NRK can be supplied with radial shaft seal rings for non-pressurized operation or with liquid-lubricated mechanical seals on pressurized tanks. Explosion protection to ATEX 2014/34/EU for explosive zones 0 to 2 for gases and for explosive zones 20-22 for dusts (device group II, categories 1-3).
Schimbător de căldură personalizat cu flux încrucișat ca schimbător de căldură aer-aer - Schimbătoare de căldură

Schimbător de căldură personalizat cu flux încrucișat ca schimbător de căldură aer-aer - Schimbătoare de căldură

Efficient use of waste heat (up to 1.000 °C) In many production processes waste heat occurs in form of hot air which is put out to the environment without any use. Very often these hot gases are contaminated air. On the other side clean (cold) air must be warmed up for the production process. In these cases cross flow heat exchanger can reduce the energy costs. The hot air stream will be conducted in the cross or counter flow method over the cold air inside the cross flow heat exchanger. Though both air streams are strictly separated because of the construction of the heat exchanger and they don´t get mixed (leakage less than 0,5 %). Only the energy of the hot waste stream is transferred to the cold clean stream. Pressure difference:max. 10.000 Pa Leckage:0.5% or welded gas-tight Materials:Aluminum, aluminum with epoxy coating, 1.4301, 1.4571, 1.4828
Complex de vacanță din containere - Instalații cu containere

Complex de vacanță din containere - Instalații cu containere

Containeranlagen bieten eine flexible und kostengünstige Lösung für großflächige Raumbedürfnisse. Diese Anlagen bestehen aus mehreren Containern, die miteinander verbunden sind, um eine größere Fläche zu schaffen. Die Containeranlagen von Acker Raum-Systeme GmbH sind ideal für den Einsatz in verschiedenen Branchen, darunter Bauwesen, Bildung und Industrie. Sie bieten eine schnelle und einfache Möglichkeit, zusätzlichen Raum zu schaffen, ohne langfristige Verpflichtungen einzugehen. Unsere Containeranlagen sind energieeffizient und umweltfreundlich, was sie zu einer nachhaltigen Option für großflächige Raumlösungen macht. Sie sind mit modernen Annehmlichkeiten ausgestattet, um den Benutzern ein komfortables und praktisches Erlebnis zu bieten. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität und den Service von Acker Raum-Systeme GmbH, um Ihre Raumanforderungen zu erfüllen.
Servicii de Transport Aerian - Eder GmbH

Servicii de Transport Aerian - Eder GmbH

Die Eder Group bietet umfassende Luftfracht-Dienstleistungen, die speziell darauf ausgelegt sind, Ihre internationalen Transportanforderungen effizient und zuverlässig zu erfüllen. Unser Service umfasst: Express- und Standardluftfracht: Flexibilität für dringende und reguläre Sendungen. Spezialtransporte: Handhabung von empfindlichen, wertvollen oder gefährlichen Gütern. Zollabfertigung: Unterstützung bei der schnellen und reibungslosen Zollabwicklung. Tür-zu-Tür-Service: Komplette Logistiklösungen von Abholung bis Lieferung. Mit unserem globalen Netzwerk und erfahrenen Team gewährleisten wir eine pünktliche und sichere Lieferung Ihrer Waren, unabhängig von deren Zielort.
Linie de ventilație multifuncțională. - Piese prelucrate CNC, produse personalizate, oțel inoxidabil

Linie de ventilație multifuncțională. - Piese prelucrate CNC, produse personalizate, oțel inoxidabil

These are the parts used in ventilation system.Used for urban building ventilation, household product ventilation and other products.
Imager Acustic Fix SV600 - Detectați, localizați și vizualizați scurgerile de aer și gaz neauzite și nevăzute

Imager Acustic Fix SV600 - Detectați, localizați și vizualizați scurgerile de aer și gaz neauzite și nevăzute

— Minimize operator intervention with a fully automated and integrated solution — Capture data from inaccessible or dangerous areas to keep your team safe — Monitor sound signature changes in real-time to prevent unscheduled maintenance Visualize the unheard and unseen with the power of acoustic imaging. The SV600 Fixed Acoustic Imager enables users to continuously detect, locate and visualize air and gas leaks or changes in sound signatures before they become costly problems.


With the UV LED series L, we combine the benefits of the UV LEDS compared to the UV lamps; these are initial start, dimmability, long service life and a lower heat input with an economical UV LED system. Irradiances of up to 5,5 W/cm² are reached on the surface. The high irradiance enables short processing times. For different applications, wavelengths of 365nm, 385 nm, 395 nm, 405 nm, and 450 nm are available. That way, the UV LED series L can be optimal customized for the requirements of the photoinitiator. All wavelengths are available in five differently sized illumination areas from 10 x 100 mm, and 30 x 30 mm up to 200 x 100 mm. Customized versions are available too. Wavelength:365, 385, 395, 405, 450 nm Connections:Trigger, Interlock in Programming, optional:RS485, RS232 or USB Internal security circuit:Over-temperature, LED defect Cable length:3 m, up to 10 m (opt.)
CAP® (nituri oarbe) - Naturalmente etanșe la aer și apă

CAP® (nituri oarbe) - Naturalmente etanșe la aer și apă

A closed end rivet The rivet body of the GESIPA CAP ® blind rivet is absolutely air and watertight. Liquids cannot seep through, could however seep around the set rivet, if the setting hole is too large. Therefore great care must be brought to fullfi lling the hole tolerances. The GESIPA CAP ® blind rivet – The structure For technical reasons, the rivet mandrel of the GESIPA CAP ® blind rivet must be fi xed in the rivet body. However this means that the rivet body can only deform slightly during the setting process. As a result, the cap blind rivet only has marginal hole fi lling capability. However this is necessary to be able to compensate large bore-hole tolerances. The GESIPA CAP ® blind rivet – Tight connections with care The above-mentioned technical situations make careful preparation of the application imperative. The hole diameter should be as tight as possible to ensure a fl awless function in the application for a long period. Material:alu/steel standard
Sistem de preîncălzire a aerului Bosch APH - Componente Bosch - Sistem de preîncălzire a aerului APH

Sistem de preîncălzire a aerului Bosch APH - Componente Bosch - Sistem de preîncălzire a aerului APH

— For increased system efficiency and reduced fuel consumption of up to 2% — Prewarming of the combustion air takes over a small portion of the thermal output of the burner — Lower investment costs in comparison with conventional solutions, low amortisation time — Lower maintenance and servicing costs
Acționare Pneumatică FSA din Aluminiu ISO 5211 Dublă 44 Nm - Pneumatică

Acționare Pneumatică FSA din Aluminiu ISO 5211 Dublă 44 Nm - Pneumatică

Entspricht den aktuellsten internationalen Normen: ISO 5211 Kompakt gebaut mit modernem Design Kolben und Endkappen aus druckgegossenem Aluminium Vorkomprimierte Lastfeder verspricht sichere Montage- und Demontagevorgänge Hohe Festigkeit
Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux - Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux

Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux - Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux

Les capteurs EGE pour la mesure de la vitesse d'écoulement des fluides gazeux non explosifs surveillent la vitesse d'écoulement des fluides gazeux de 0,2 à 60 m/s. Ils possèdent des tubes de mesure d'une seule pièce d'un diamètre intérieur de 9 mm en acier inoxydable V4A (1.4571) très résistant. Ils nécessitent peu d'entretien, ne comportent aucune pièce mobile et ne présentent aucune perte de pression. Les capteurs offrent une sortie de commutation, de relais ou analogique. Les capteurs de débit pour les fluides gazeux fournissent un signal proportionnel au débit massique d'air. Les appareils se règlent intuitivement à l'aide d'un potentiomètre et d'un affichage LED. Les LDN 500 sont particulièrement adaptés à la surveillance fiable du débit d'air comprimé et d'autres gaz.
Senzor inductiv SLT, LVDT - Seria LVDT ultra robustă cu versiuni cu arc și acționate de aer

Senzor inductiv SLT, LVDT - Seria LVDT ultra robustă cu versiuni cu arc și acționate de aer

Based on the SL series, the SLT probes are also characterized by an ultra robust construction and a fully stainless steel housing which makes them suitable for harsh environments. The combination of a hardchrome plated shaft with 6 mm in diameter and precision bearings guarantees highest resistance to lateral forces on the push rod. There are three different functional variants available to meet the demands of most measuring tasks: ■ Spring loaded mechanism: The push rod is fully extended by an internal spring. ■ Pneumatic version 1: The push rod extends by applying pressurized air. An internal spring retracts the push rod after releasing the pressure. ■ Pneumatic version 2: The push rod retracts by applying pressurized air. An internal spring extends the push rod after releasing the pressure. Each sensor requires a carrier frequency measuring amplifier to operate, which evaluates and transforms the sensors signal to a standardised analog output signal of 0...10 V or 4...
Rola de aeroport, Unități de marfă aeriană

Rola de aeroport, Unități de marfă aeriană

Design and construction This Schulz ball caster / air cargo unit consists of a casing and top cover as solid turned parts, a bearing ball and several support balls. Special model with separate ball cup as an airport ball caster. Dimensions The spacing is calculated by dividing the shortest edge length of the object to be transported by 3.5. Casing:tempered, galvanised steel, tempered stainless steel Lid:galvanised steel, stainless steel Ball cup:tempered steel, tempered stainless steel Support balls:tool steel (tempered), stainless steel (tempered) Bearing ball:tool steel (tempered), stainless steel (tempered), plastic Temperature range:from -30°C to +100°C (up to +30°C with plastic bearing ball) Conveyance velocity:up to 1.5 m/s. Dynamic load rating:up to max. 800 kg